This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 748747
OpTiCA project is composed of five Work Packages (WP), these are:
- WP1: Project and Data Management Plans (months: 1-24).
The Data Management Plan: describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected, processed or generated by the action. It is a document describing what data will be collected, processed or generated and following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved. Project Management Plan: consists in managing the project carefully, monitoring the implementation and good execution of all project activities, ensuring the successful completion of milestones, output and deliverables on a timely manner and with the highest quality standards. It will include meetings, communication and progress monitoring activities as well as reporting to the REA. A contingency plan will be implemented if needed. The ER, together with the supervisor, will elaborate a career development plan in the first month, which will be updated throughout the fellowship. WP1 includes: six deliverables in form of reports (D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.4, D1.5, D1.6) and two milestones (M1.1, M1.2) for monitoring the WP1 progress.
- WP2: Monitoring real TEC deployments (months: 1-9).
Involves research activities directed towards objective one (O1): Collect relevant data and information for validating numerical models and for optimising TEC array layouts. WP2 includes: one secondment at OFE; two deliverables: a seminar (D2.1); and an online database (D2.2) and one milestone (M2.1) related with deliverable D2.2 to track WP2 progress.
- WP3: Modelling TEC arrays (months: 2-14).
Consists of research activities directed towards objective two (O2): validate numerical models simulating the presence of TECs. Includes: one secondment at SU; four deliverables: one conference (D3.1), two publications (D3.2, D3.4) and one seminar (D3.3) for disseminating the results of the research; and four milestones to monitor WP3 progress: two milestones measuring research activity progress (M3.1, M3.3), and two milestones measuring dissemination of the research results (M3.2, M3.4) linked with the two publications.
- WP4: Optimisation models for TEC arrays (months: 15-24).
Consists of research activities directed towards objective three (O3): formulate mathematical optimisation models considering technical, socio-economic and environmental constraints and using the SBO approach. WP4 includes: three deliverables: one conference (D4.1), one publication (D4.2), and one online database (D4.3) for communicating the research results; and three milestones to track WP4 progress: two milestones measuring research activity progress (M4.1, M4.2), and one milestone linked with a publication (M4.3).
- WP5: Dissemination and public engagement (months: 1-24).
The objective of WP5 is to disseminate OpTiCA results to: (i) show the project contribution for progressing beyond-the-state-of-the-art; (ii) encourage and motivate students about science and research careers; (iii) raise awareness and educate the general public, media and policy-makers for the importance of ocean renewable energy; and (iv) disseminate the names of the Host and secondments institutions for their high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship. WP5 includes: OpTiCA project website (D5.1); one workshop (D5.2); and other outreach activities which includes visits to local schools/universities. Milestone 5.1 will measure communication of the research results.
Major deliverables:
- Deliverables related with WP1:
- D1.1 & D1.2: Initial data management, career development and project management plans (month 1-2).
- D1.3 & D1.4: Data management, career development and project management plans (month 13).
- D1.5 & D1.6: Final management, career development and project management plans (month 24).
- Deliverables related with WP2:
- D2.1: Seminar delivered at the Escola Secundária João de Deus, Faro, Portugal (month 1). Link to: Presentation.
- D2.2: Online database with results from monitoring campaigns, e.g. free stream velocities vs. TEC power outputs, wake characteristics, costs, etc (month: 9). The database can be accessed through the following Link.
- Deliverables related with WP3:
- D3.1: Poster presentation delivered at the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Cork, Ireland (month 2). Link to: Paper; Poster.
- D3.2: Journal publication. Validating TEC parameterisation in coastal models: A case study for Ria Formosa, Portugal (month 11). Link to: Paper 1
- D3.3: Seminar to be delivered to students of SU during secondment (month 13).
- D3.4: Journal publication. Numerical simulation of the wake downstream a TEC deployed in real sea conditions using a BEM-CFD model: A case study for Sanda Sound, Scotland (month 15).
- Deliverables related with WP4:
- D4.1: Oral presentation to be delivered at the 7th International Conference on Ocean Energy (month 18). Links to: Paper, Presentation.
- D4.2: Journal publication. Macro and micro TEC array layout optimisation for the Faro-Olhão Inlet, Portugal and Sanda Sound, Scotland (month 24). Link to: Paper 1; Paper 2.
- D4.3: An online set of mathematical optimisation models comprising a collection of objective functions and constraints formulated to solve the TEC array layout problem (month: 24).
- Deliverables related with WP5:
- D5.1: A project website to provide information about life as a MSC fellow and about the ER’s research progress (month: 1-24).
- D5.2: Final Workshop organised with participants from the regional/local authorities, scientific researchers, TEC developers, policy makers and the general public (month: 24).
List of major milestones:
- Milestones related with WP1:
- M1.1: Initial data management, career development and project management plans (month 2).
- M1.2: Final data management, career development and project management plans (month 24).
- Milestones related with WP2:
- M2.1: Database of the physical setting, key characteristics of the study site and TEC monitoring results, together with the main constraints for tidal stream energy projects (month 9).
- Milestones related with WP3:
- M3.1: Validated hydro-morphodynamic model with operational TEC devices (month 10).
- M3.2: Manuscript submitted associated with D3.2 (month 11).
- M3.3: Validated BEM-CFD model (month 14).
- M3.4: Manuscript submitted associated with D3.4 (month 15).
- Milestones related with WP4:
- M4.1: Validated surrogate models (month 20).
- M4.2: Mathematical optimisation model (month 23).
- M4.3: Manuscript submitted (month 24).
- Milestones related with WP5:
- M5.1: Final project workshop completion (month 24).
- At Oceanflow Energy Ltd., under the supervision of Mr. Graeme Mackie, to gain knowledge of key aspects concerning TEC and offshore technology development, and to adquire skills using OrcaFlex software in marine renewables applications (From 25-09-2017 to 27-10-2017).
- At the Marine Energy Research Group of Swansea University under the supervision of Dr. Ian Masters to gain training and acquire new skills with TEC modelling using coastal and BEM-CFD models (From 01-07-2018 to 03-08-2018).